integrate Software into your business strategy

10 reasons why you should integrate Software into your business strategy

Depending on the level of growth and scope of your business, the business strategy may require more or less attention, resources and time investment. The size of your business will also determine whether you need people with the experience to design the right strategy for your business needs or if this is something you can continue to be in charge of. Integrating software can help you in many ways.

Business strategy is the procedure by which a method is proposed to control and improve the growth of a company. Facilitates business growth by discovering broad goals, smaller and more focused goals that are then established for the appropriate departments or individuals.

Although the general objectives and specific actions are different for each company, the process of creating any business strategy has certain common elements in its development.

However, one of the most important tools to improve the development of a company is software. Custom enterprise software development services is really necessary for the operation and improvements of a business.

What types of business software are there?

Here are some of the most popular types of business software you can include:

Team management programs

  •  Asana: is a task organizer that allows you to coordinate projects in real time, improving team coordination and communication. Tasks are created, assigned to a manager, and deadlines are set.
  • Trello: This tool is a very easy-to-use and free task organizer. You classify tasks by their status (in progress, completed…) and at a glance this allows you to see the progress of the work.
  • Basecamp: is a collaboration tool for teams to organize projects easily and efficiently. Supports communication, sending documents, planning, delegation…
  • Second: improve teamwork by managing workflow and communication. Helps manage calendars and planners in an intuitive and intuitive way. It has a very complete control panel although it maintains a minimalist design.
  • Active Collab – This is another great option that combines a task list, a timer to calculate the time spent on each task, and allows you to attach and send documents to other group members.
  • Meistertask: is a complete task manager where you can coordinate the work of many people, measure it and observe the results thanks to the reports it provides.

Marketing automation and CRM programs

  • Mailchimp – This is a well-known tool for sending email campaigns. In it, they can store and create their contact database and send emails easily. 
  • Eloqua: is a marketing automation tool to segment your target audience, produce conversion campaigns, mark leads (scoring), automate certain processes.
  • Infusionsoft: It is an integrated marketing and vending management of your email, e-commerce or your social networks. It allows you to generate campaigns and accelerate results.
  • Active Campaign: is another integrated marketing platform that integrates its own CRM, process automation, email delivery… It is extensible and integrates with the main platforms.
  • Zoho – covers a very different range of applications: from CRM to email creation, project management and more. As a result, there are up to 0 different options to manage different areas of the business.

Internal communication and data sending programs

  • Slack: To reduce the volume of email sending, many companies are using alternative applications. One of them is Slack, which acts as a chat to which different applications can connect and makes it more complete.
  • Gmail Chat: Businesses using Gmail email accounts have the option of using the platform’s built-in chat. It would be useful and quick to talk to the people we already have on the agenda.
  • Wetransfer – This is a very useful document sending system when the document is too heavy to send by email. There is a free option, which supports up to 2 GB, and a paid option, which has a larger capacity.
  • Dropbox: This tool stores documents in the cloud and shares them so the entire team has access. With this system, you register your own server and have automatic backups.

Photography and design software 

  • Canva: These days, to create engaging images for your business, you don’t need a designer. Canva is a very intuitive tool where you will find customizable templates to create designs for social networks, brochures, posters.
  • Sketch: A set of different design tools to easily design images, even if you don’t have . This is a simpler version of Photoshop.

Information storage and exchange software

  • Google Drive: Many companies have their own servers, but some prefer to use cloud technology for security and cost savings. Google Drive allows you to store, share and edit documents online easily and conveniently. 
  • Dropbox: As we said before, Dropbox is another cloud storage system designed for businesses that prefer to work without a traditional physical server. You can store large amounts of information and easily share it with your entire team. 

Survey Software 

  • Google Form: For example, if you want to measure customer satisfaction, you can use Google Forms to create a survey, create a custom design, send it via email, and then analyze the results.
  • Doodle: is a very useful tool to schedule and close a meeting or appointment. Users vote on the days that work best for them, and at a glance you can see the availability of different members.
  • SurveyMonkey: another very popular tool to produce surveys directly from the platform and quickly send them to an interested audience. It is similar to Google Forms.
  • Typeform – You can also use Typeform to generate engaging and interactive quizzes. You will be able to collect data and then analyze the results obtained.
  • Officevibe: In this case, Officevibe was generated to measure company happiness. Employees receive regular surveys and managers can see the results.

Accounting and billing software

Anfix: is a financial management tool that uses cloud technology so you can produce invoices in seconds, upload expense reports with photos, manage accounting automatically… save a lot of time and money.

Reasons to use business software in your business strategy

Custom business software development is the design of applications that meet the specific needs of an organization. With its use, it brings positive factors to your companies, these are the reasons why you should use it.

1. Improve profitability

One of the main reasons why companies should consider custom software development is to improve profitability. Comprehensive business software can help you run your business. 

You can use custom software to solve various business problems to improve efficiency and profitability. You can also generate more profits by licensing or selling the software to other commercial organizations.

2. Custom design

Enterprise software development allows for custom designs during the development phase. This allows you to maintain consistency in appearance, layout, and different behavior patterns. 

You can customize the design of your business software with business style and color, improve your brand reputation and maximize the potential of your business.

3. Scalability

As your business grows, business processes become more complex. In custom software development, this is not a problem when you are designing your software to meet the needs of a growing business.

4. Independent

The software you want to develop can save your company a lot of time, and you can use it to increase efficiency in other areas of your business. Plus, you don’t have to worry about inflation when purchasing licenses for your professional software.

5. Improve user experience 

As your business gains traction, it is wise to provide customers with an improved user experience of your software. With business software building , you can customize the platform user experience for your customers while using the customer relationship management platform to discover what is best for your business.

6. Cost savings

Software product development services for your business requires hiring a professional software development company. Since it is designed specifically for your business, you won’t need to spend extra money on features you may not need. The money saved can be invested in other key areas of the business.

7. Ease of integration

fTypically, most embedded software will not integrate into your existing systems and you may experience compatibility issues when attempting to integrate them.

However, develop business software designed specifically for your business. They are adaptable and can be easily integrated into your existing software or systems.

8. Make your vision a reality

Custom enterprise software development gives you the opportunity to execute and promote your vision. By choosing custom software development, you can create new and exciting ways to deliver your services. You can always adapt the range of software to meet your business needs and requirements.

9. Security guaranteed

The Internet faces complex and persistent cybersecurity threats that are a major concern for businesses. Online application security breaches cost businesses money and can put them out of business if not addressed.

Custom software allows an organization to increase its security perimeter as it sees fit. They take necessary measures to protect your data and prevent any exploitation by hackers. 

10. Optimize work with your suppliers

By purchasing a custom software design, you will open the door to a new way of interacting with your suppliers and contractors. An example of this would be when you enter a supplier guidance portal where your order will be communicated and sent to one place. This portal will make it easier for you to manage all your transactions with your service providers.

With this information, it is more than clear that software for commercial companies involves a great change and importance in your business strategy, since it will bring improvements during work management.


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